oneapp is the one ‘superapp’ to offer you every digital convenience for a comfortable and sorted living. From managing your duties and responsibilities towards the housing society, living to manage your own visitors and home, food ordering, grocery shopping, catching… Read More
Online shopping spiked by 68% in India since March
As the world responds to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we’re seeing a dramatic shift from in-person to online shopping. Consumers are relying on the digital world more than ever and businesses are forced to adapt their strategies and shift toward… Read More
Cook Fish Curry with Dipesh
Fish is consumed as food in almost every region of the world. Not only fish is an important protein source for humans but the oil contained in the body cells of the fishes are specially beneficial for our heart health.… Read More

Five effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety
In the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan lifestyle, every individual in this world is facing some amount of stress and anxiety. As per a study during the past times, it was recorded that around 89% of the Indian population… Read More