
The winter season is officially here and we are crossing through another season of cold breeze and chilly winds. 

But a hot cup of soup can come here to the rescue to keep you and your family a little warm and toasty. Eating a healthy bowl of soup will not only keep you warm, but it’s consisting vegetables will help you avail the required nutrients and fiber that you need to consume during your day. 

We would like to share one of the most healthy, nutritious and healthy soup recipes with you that can be easily made at home with highly accessible vegetables from your nearest vegetable stores, or even if you own a tiffin business, you can add the dish to your menu or even as a la carte snack item and trust me your customer would love to slurp on it. 

At the very first step, you need to download oneapp and order all the ingredients which is required in the soup’s making such as:

  • Spinach 
  • Broccoli 
  • Onion 
  • Garlic 
  • Cream 
  • Corn flour 
  • Black pepper ( to taste ) 
  • Salt ( to taste ) 

Once you have all these, you have to start its preparation step by step as following: 

Step 1:- 

Add broccoli florets and spinach leaves in a cooking bowl of water on a medium flame 

Step 2:- 

Once the broccoli and spinach has softened a bit, let it cool and then blend it in a mixer grinder, make a thick paste and keep it aside. 

Step 3:- 

Put another pan on the stove on a medium heat, add an adequate amount of butter, once melted put finely chopped onions and garlic and let it brown. 

Step 4:- 

Add half a spoonful of cornflour in a cup of water, later add that water in the pan with half cup of milk and let it simmer for a while 

Step 5:- 

Once it has simmered a little, add the broccoli and spinach paste into the pan and stir well 

Step 6:- 

Add salt ( to taste ) 

Step 7:- 

Put it in a bowl, garnish with blackpepper and finely chopped coriander leaves as topping

There you have your steaming hot cup of Spinach Broccoli Soup, easily made in minutes! 

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