onesociety, powered by oneapp, is a housing society management solution that provides a 360-degree solution to maintain and manage the operations in a cooperative housing society. The solution aims at offering an error-free helping hand to the society managers and… Read More

Tenant Verification In Housing Societies
Housing Society Management is a system that manages the day-to-day activities of any Co-operative Housing Society. They keep records and track everything happening in the housing society for the benefit of the dwellers there. Among these dwellers, it has been… Read More

How to manage late payments in housing societies
Late payment has a great impact, be it any business or cooperative society. Late payment of maintenance bills can hugely impact the plans and programs of society. Though it is to be admitted that often housing societies allow late payment… Read More

How to celebrate occasions in your Cooperative housing society involving all
Be it a festival, reunion or any kind of celebration, organising an event in a co-operative housing society is fun as it gets all the members under one roof to socialise and foster bonding. An event organised in a housing… Read More